Bright Line Eating Boot Camp Day One Part One

Today is the day. To be honest I wonder if I can actually stick to something this rigid for even a month, but it's worth a try for the Boot Camp period and then I'll re-assess. I don't really have a problem with not eating sugar and not eating flour and eating only three meals a day -- it's the strict quantities and division of fats, protein's, grain's, fruit and vegetables at each meal and weighing everything that's a sticking point right now, as this just seems very inflexible to me and not adaptable to travel or eating out -- but I'm hoping to learn from other more seasoned Bright Line Eaters during the Boot camp. I like to cook things together in one pot or pan and this plan has us weigh things after cooking so I don't see how I can then separate out the protein, fat and grain to wright it, but we'll see. I'm one of those people who hates making special requests at restaurants so that may be something I have to get over. I'm also going to have to brace myself for a lot of prep work so I have good, healthy, plan compliant food ready to go.

Today's meal plan is:
  • 1 ounce oatmeal (before cooking) -- Grain
  • 2 ounces chopped pecans -- Protein  
  • 1 Banana -- Fruit
  • Chai Tea with no sugar or milk added
  • Cinnamon on the oatmeal/nut/fruit mixture. 

It was delicious and it's 11:45 now and I'm just getting hungry. Of course I went to the Gym this morning and have been busy and not bored, so not thinking of food.

  • A big 8 ounce salad with arugula, spinach, spring mix, tomatoes, shredded carrots, and sliced red pepper -- Vegetable
  • 4 ounces tuna -- Protein
  • Salad dressing of 1 T olive oil and 2 T balsamic vinegar -- Fat 
  • Apple -- Fruit
I'm on the weight loss plan so no grains at Lunch and Dinner for now.

  • 4 ounce Chicken garlic sausage -- Protein
  • 6 ounces cooked brocoli (fresh steamed) -- Vegetable
  • 6 ounces cooked green beans (frozen bag in microwave) -- Vegetable
  • 1 T Butter to add to vegetables -- Fat
  • Mustard 
I took my Measurements and photos this morning as well. [For a fun video of me walking on the beach for size reference scroll down to the bottom of the post!]

My measurements had only changed a bit since I last did them in 2013. In a few places I'm a tad bigger. I also recorded bra size and clothing sizes for another frame of reference. I plan to weigh just once a week and I'll take measurements again at the end of the boot camp.

So, this is what I look like in my workout clothes in bad photos taken by myself in the mirror at 220 pounds, 5'7". According to my BMI which = 34.5 I am obese.  Now I do think of myself as overweight but I just can't see myself as obese. You judge from the photos. In order to not be obese I have to weigh 191 pounds. So I'm in the obese category by 29 pounds even!!


Here's what I look like in another recent photograph, watching the partial eclipse on August 21, 2017:

Here's a video of me walking on the beach a couple of months ago, so you can judge for yourself whether I look obsese -- in fact 29 pounds into the obese range.

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