Almost a Year and 73 Pounds Gone

I've been doing the maintenance dance since May 23rd when I added my first additional component over the weight loss plan: 1 grain serving (4 oz of cooked, 1 oz of dry grain) at lunch. Yesterday I added my 5th additional component: Another 1/2 grain serving at lunch. My full food plan looks like this:

1.5 grain servings
2 protein servings
6 oz fruit

1.5 grain servings
1 protein serving
1 fat serving
10 oz vegetables
6 oz fruit

1 grain serving
1 protein serving
1 fat serving
10 oz vegetables

Extra on Days I do Weight Training with my Personal Trainer (2x per week)
1 fruit serving
.5 protein serving

I lowered my goal range to 146-150 and am really comfortable at 147-148 as my weight. I haven't weighed this little since the early 90s before I had children. Most of my adult life I've been in the 150s or much higher so I originally set a very  modest goal of 155. I made it into this new range as of August 8th -- after a week of vacation at my Dad's house -- so I've been maintaining at goal range for almost exactly one month now. So far so good. It continues to be miraculously easy!!! I just don't have the cravings to eat sweet foods that I used to have and am only very occasionally even thinking about them. We had our Fall potluck at Providence Singers last night where there is always a HUGE spread of food and desserts. I had to stand by the dessert table while I was in line for food and I looked at it and wasn't even interested AT ALL -- really compared to how I ate and how tempted I was at last year's potluck this really is nothing short of a miracle.

My next goal is to maintain this weight for a year so I can register with the National Weight Control Registry. You have to have successfully lost and kept off for a year -- 30 pounds or more -- and then you can join their Research study.

Now onto finishing my closet clean-out.


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